Thursday 10 September 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 10

The best trip of your life?

This has got to be our honeymoon earlier this year. It was such an amazing trip, I want to do it all over again.

We were on honeymoon for almost three weeks in America and within that time we traveled to 5 different locations. It was pretty hectic but I loved it as I love to explore and travel so it was perfect.

We started in Orlando for 4 days, shopping and visiting theme parks. We then flew down to Miami and stayed there for 2 days, mainly just relaxing on the beach, from Miami we drove down to Florida Keys along Route 1 (in our convertible Mustang, sure what else!) We stayed on Duck Key, which is halfway along the keys, we drove down to Key-West and spent a day there, its amazing down there will definitely return. We drove back to Miami airport and then flew to LasVegas, we had been in Vegas two years prior and loved it. Vegas is brilliant, i don't think you could ever see enough of it. After 4 days in Vegas, we then flew to New York, we wanted to arrive in New York on the 24th of March, as this was our anniversary of being 12 years together and also we had got engaged 2 years prior on top of the Empire State so obviously we wanted to go back to that location and celebrate our anniversary, now as Husband & Wife. We made it on time and got to the top of the Empire State building at about 11pm, it was great to be back at the same spot again. We spent about 3 days in New York before flying home.

I know that was a bit of a quick run through but i will do an more in depth blog post on our Honeymoon with all the details of locations, hotels, activities, places to eat etc.

Until tomorrow


Wednesday 9 September 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 9

What's on you life/bucket list? 

1. Live a long and happy life

2. Have children

3. Travel more esp America 

4. Visit Bora Bora (someday)

5. Go on more city breaks at least 1 a year

6. Buy a brand new mini (although I'm not all that keen on the latest model)

7. Grow my hair long (and keep it that way for at least 6 months) 

8. Run 10k (but first I'd be happy with just a 5k)

9. Convert a container into a garden room 

10. Have my own cake kitchen 

11. Own a pair of Christian Louboutins 

12. Fly first class 

13. Take a trip on a hot air balloon 

14. Skydive

15.  Visit Santorini 

16. Own a pink Kitchenaid 

17. Kiki to have pups and to have more dogs in our house

18. Be my own boss 

19. Do yoga

20. Have a fish pedicure 

21. Have dinner on a beach 

22. Go on a cruise 

23. Swim in a waterfall 

24. Renew our wedding vows in Ballymagarvey 

25. Have a picnic in the park

26. Visit New York at Christmas 

27. Have a shoe closet 

28. Travel around Ireland in a camper-van

29. Have a successful blog 

30. Continue to live a happily married life & grow old with Stephen (soppy I know) 

There you have it, 30 items on my bucket list, I better start trying to tick some off. 

Until tomorrow


Tuesday 8 September 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 8

Advice your parents gave you that stuck? 

It's probably not so much advice but rather a value but my parents always thought me to work hard and instilled the value of hard work and earning what you have. I've worked from a young age getting my first job at about 15. I worked for my uncles company in the office, I then started working in a pharmacy at 16, then later while at college I also worked in Vero Moda and tried to fit in as much work between the two jobs around college hours. I loved it, I really enjoyed working in retail apart from the unsociable hours, but I loved the buzz of working with people and dealing with the public. I enjoyed helping people out and giving them advice whether it's on medicine or fashion. I was really driven by meeting sales targets and achieved various top sales awards. During this time I also learnt the value of money and saving. 
I saved regularly since childhood and this has paid off in the long run as it has continued in my attitude towards money even now. I still save every week and yet still pay for bills, mortgage, loans, groceries, luxuries, home improvements, holidays etc. I love to buy nice things (sometimes I may take it too far as I can end up buying things I love, that I don't really need or have no space for) but this all balances out and I think it all comes down to what you really want and prioritize your spending!
I believe in being rewarded for hard work, even if it's you rewarding yourself, if you feel you've worked hard. There's a sense of pride in working hard for things and earning it as apposed to just being given something. I know most people's dream is to win the lotto, but personally I don't even bother playing it, (I do enjoy the odd scratch card even though I NEVER win anything) not that I wouldn't like to win it or that I'd refuse it (Stephen likes to play it, so now that we're married, if his numbers come in, what's his is mine) but I've always said that I'd much rather earn my money than be given it, I think you appreciate it more and have more value on it when you've earned it and deserve it. For example a lot of home improvements we have done on our house, we've done ourselves, yes we could have got someone in and done it for us but apart from the fact of paying someone else to do something that we could easily do ourselves, it gives me a much better sense of achievement to say we done it ourselves (Stephen cursed me originally but now that we've done it, he even agrees that you feel better about yourself to be able to say we done that or we built that) 
So in the end I believe having a hardworking attitude and value for money is a great trait to have even from an early age as it can set you in the right path for life. 
Also a quote my dad states quiet frequently and it's something I try to live by is:
'it's nice to be nice'
Straightforward and simple yet very true.

Until tomorrow 

Monday 7 September 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 7

My 5 favorite songs:

This is pretty easy, I LOVE music, all types, (I'm secretly dreading the upcoming question where it asks you to put your iPod on shuffle and name the first 5 songs that come on - that could be awkward) Anyway, there's a few songs out right now that I love and literally have them on repeat on my iPod, you know the type where you hear a song, fall in love with it, play it on repeat for a few weeks and then get to the stage where you don't wanna hear it again, yeah that me with most songs I take a shine to. 
My top 5 though are 'all time' faves as apposed to current faves and each for the own reason or have a special meaning.

1. All my life - K-Ci & Jojo
This is a song Stephen played to me when we first started going out, he said he heard it and thought of me and ever since then it's had a special place in my heart, we even had it as our first dance at our wedding (I was torn between this and Ed Sheeran 'thinking out loud' but I chose to go with the sentimental song over the predictable song) 

2. Sunshine - Twista. ( Lovely Day - Bill Withers)
This song takes me right back to my teens, I loved this song, it reminds me of when I got my first car. I'd drive around in my freshly washed (& polished) car with this playing, windows down thinking I was the business. I had this on repeat all the time, the Twista version, then the band that played at my 21st party played the Bill Withers version and then anytime I was on a night out and they were playing they would always do a shout out to me just before playing this song. It's a real feel good song, especially the Twista version, it's definitely a song to be played on sunny day while out for a drive.

3. Maniac 2000 - Mark McCabe
I know I'm not the only one that loves this as anytime I'm out and the DJ plays this the whole place erupts and we all know EVERY single word, this was the tune back in the day, it's a real reminiscing song that takes you back, hard to believe it was 15 years ago. Myself and my best friend have fond memories of this, the two of us and my cousin and sister spent a whole day listening to this on repeat when we were younger and anytime this is played when we are out you'll be guaranteed to see us all out on the dancefloor singing/shouting along to every word of the song. What a classic.

4. Mr.Brightside - The Killers
I actually don't know why this song is so important to me, there doesn't seems to be a specific reason, I just love it. If this is played on a night out, then your guaranteed to see me on the dancefloor, and the strangest thing is the fact that I don't know why I love it so much, I think it's just one of those songs that's stuck with me. I think it was out around the time of my graduation from secondary school so it takes me back to then, me as a teenager, just finished school. (Oh God that was 10 years ago now)

5. Feels like home - Edwina Hayes 
This is a song I've fallen in love with more recently, when trying to choose music for our wedding, I heard this song on one of the sample videos for our wedding vocalist and once I heard it I was mesmerized, it's such a beautiful song, it will draw you in and you will loose yourself in it. I've listened to this song so many times over the last year and yet every time I hear the first few chords of it, my heart instantly melts. I chose to walk down the aisle to this song and although I was nervous that hearing this I would be a blubbering mess, on the day there was such adrenaline pumping, I don't even remember hearing it properly but everyone commented on the song after the ceremony, so I cannot wait to hear it in the wedding video so I can take it all in. If you haven't heard it before then it's definitely worth a listen.

Until tomorrow 

This made me laugh.... so true

Sunday 6 September 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 6

What are u afraid of? 

This is probably one of the hardest questions so far, I knew it was coming and have been thinking about it the past few days. To be honest I'm not really afraid of anything in particular, not the usual things like heights or flying or anything like that. Im not fond of mice or spiders or wasps but I'm not 'afraid of them', so that got me thinking, what am I AFRAID of???
I'd class being afraid of something as a having a heightened level of worry, something that I would be fearful of or that scares me. Having thought about it, the one thing that I am afraid of most is loosing those close to me, it's the only thing that properly scares me. I have a close family and friends, and the thought of loosing any of them is what I am afraid of. I'm the type of person that when everything is going right and everything is perfect, il start to worry that something bad is going to happen. I sometimes feel like why am I allowed to be this happy, and I'm afraid that in order to balance out the happiness something really bad will happen. I am blessed with the life I have, I wouldn't change any of it, I have an amazing husband, family, friends, house etc and I am thankful for all of it, but sometimes my fear of something going wrong prevents me from enjoying the present and truly appreciating and making the most of what I have around me. 

Sorry if this post has been a bit soppy, but this is truly what I am afraid of, and it's something that I hope to maybe overcome or distract myself from in order to embrace the today and enjoy the life I have. 

Until tomorrow 

Saturday 5 September 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 5

Favorite films I never get sick of watching: 

The Notebook: such a classic and so romantic, I love everything about this film, the actors, the music, the quotes, It's the perfect love story. 
“So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me... everyday.”

Dirty Dancing: I think most girls love this film, it's one of the earliest films I remember watching over and over again. Myself and my cousin were obsessed with this film and we would practice the lift by jumping off the sofa and trying to hold each other up, miraculously neither of us were ever badly injured, but I don't think we ever fully mastered the lift either. 
"Nobody puts baby in the corner"

Save the last dance: I dunno whether I love the film or the soundtrack more. It's a real feel good film with a love story tied into it, I was known to dance around in front of the TV to this film, and still have some of the songs on my iPod. 
"You can do it, put your back into it"

10 things I hate about you: This is one of them films I watched over and over again as a teenager, I loved it (I was also totally obsessed with Heath Ledger) 
"I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme. I hate it, I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry. I hate it when you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call. But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all"

Camp Nowhere: It's probably a film a lot of people have never heard of, but I watched this sooooo many times as a child on tape (DVDs weren't out at that time). Having watched this film, I really wanted to go to camp but it never happened, I only ended up going to the Gaeltacht instead (not quiet the same thing) I haven't actually seen this in years so I'm defo going to try find it online or on DVD 
"'ll be fine...I mean we're not complete morons"

Christmas Vacation: this film never gets old, I still watch it every Christmas, at this stage i probably know all the words but it's still as funny no matter how many times I watch it. 
"Shitters full" 

Pretty Woman: now this is another true classic, it's one I have on DVD but rarely take out and watch, but if it's being shown on TV I'm definitely watching it, I only watched it a few weeks ago, and Stephen informed me he had never seen it before - I was shocked.
"I want the fairytale"

Sweet Home Alabama: what a great film, and such a romantic love story, I also love Reese' southern accent in this film. I have watched this so many times I've lost count.
'Why do you wanna marry me for anyhow, - so I can kiss you any time I want'

TED: now this is a film I watch over and over again, the first one was a classic, wasn't that impressed with the second one. The one liners in this are brilliant, the whole concept of this film is genius, it just works and the fact that he's this adorable little bear that comes out with such comments just makes it hilarious. 
'My bad, I was sending a tweet"

The Hangover: What a brilliant film, having being in Las Vegas a couple of times and seeing what it's like, I can totally understand how this could happen, it's a film to enjoy watching but also feel a little sorry for them too and also remember that your other half is never allowed go on a "stag" to Vegas.
"Did the real Caeser live here?"

The Holiday: LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this film, I without fail watch this every Christmas and during the year also if it's on tv but it's the perfect film to watch at Christmas, it's such a feel good film and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. If you haven't seen this already, I highly recommend you watch it, you will not be disappointed. Plus Jude Law is amazing in it. 
 "You know, I was just thinking why would I ever leave before New Year's Eve? That makes no sense at all. I mean, you didn't exactly ask me out... but you did say you loved me... so I'm thinking I've got a date. If you'll have me."

Until tomorrow 

Thursday 3 September 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 4

Top 5 Pet Peeves

1. I absolutely hate this, it annoys me sooooo much it's my number 1 pet hate, I'm actually glad to find out that it's an actual condition. I think most people close to me are now aware of this and try their best but at times it really gets to me, I try laugh it off or make a joke of it, or else il just leave the room. The worst culprits have to be chewy sweets, crisps or cereal.

2. This really gets to me, especially when they know it's yours, or worse still when (eg the hubby) uses the last of something, say cheese or jam, meanwhile you go shopping together, he 'forgets' to inform you that HE used the last of it and we need to buy some, oh no you find out the next time you go to the fridge to get that item!!! Aaaaargh

3. I hate clutter, yes of course I have that one messy drawer or press but in general I hate clutter, I'm talking, WAY too many items on the kitchen counter that there is now no space to actually prepare food or all the trinkets and accessories around the house that there is no need for. My kitchen has certain items on the counter (that all match the style and color of the kitchen) after that everything else goes in the presses. I'm definitely the type of person who lives by less is more!!! Also I like to believe/enforce that everything has a place and everything in its place.

4. This also kind of relates to number 1, but even on its own is equally as annoying. We all know that person who insists on 'slurping' their tea/coffee, I just think why, I don't see why you would even need to, if you tilt the cup toward your mouth it will automatically poor in, so there is no need to suck it from the cup. Unless of course you have no use of your hands and someone has just left a cup of tea in front of you and this is now the only option in order to drink it.

5. This really really bugs me, you know the type, there always someone who randomly puts a status on Facebook either bitching about someone or moaning, giving you enough information to either know someone has pissed them off or hurt them but not quite giving you the whole story, this will always be following by close friends commenting, 'u ok Hun xxxx' or 'PM me xxx' like seriously do these people not realize there's such this a whatsapp, snapchat, viber, text messages or the good oul reliable phone call that you can make to your friends rather than having this vague status on Facebook just to draw attention to yourself.

Ok rant over 
Pet peeves really gets you wound up once you start typing about them. 
Tomorrows post will be more upbeat, hope I don't come across as a psycho. 

Until tomorrow 

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