Monday 7 September 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 7

My 5 favorite songs:

This is pretty easy, I LOVE music, all types, (I'm secretly dreading the upcoming question where it asks you to put your iPod on shuffle and name the first 5 songs that come on - that could be awkward) Anyway, there's a few songs out right now that I love and literally have them on repeat on my iPod, you know the type where you hear a song, fall in love with it, play it on repeat for a few weeks and then get to the stage where you don't wanna hear it again, yeah that me with most songs I take a shine to. 
My top 5 though are 'all time' faves as apposed to current faves and each for the own reason or have a special meaning.

1. All my life - K-Ci & Jojo
This is a song Stephen played to me when we first started going out, he said he heard it and thought of me and ever since then it's had a special place in my heart, we even had it as our first dance at our wedding (I was torn between this and Ed Sheeran 'thinking out loud' but I chose to go with the sentimental song over the predictable song) 

2. Sunshine - Twista. ( Lovely Day - Bill Withers)
This song takes me right back to my teens, I loved this song, it reminds me of when I got my first car. I'd drive around in my freshly washed (& polished) car with this playing, windows down thinking I was the business. I had this on repeat all the time, the Twista version, then the band that played at my 21st party played the Bill Withers version and then anytime I was on a night out and they were playing they would always do a shout out to me just before playing this song. It's a real feel good song, especially the Twista version, it's definitely a song to be played on sunny day while out for a drive.

3. Maniac 2000 - Mark McCabe
I know I'm not the only one that loves this as anytime I'm out and the DJ plays this the whole place erupts and we all know EVERY single word, this was the tune back in the day, it's a real reminiscing song that takes you back, hard to believe it was 15 years ago. Myself and my best friend have fond memories of this, the two of us and my cousin and sister spent a whole day listening to this on repeat when we were younger and anytime this is played when we are out you'll be guaranteed to see us all out on the dancefloor singing/shouting along to every word of the song. What a classic.

4. Mr.Brightside - The Killers
I actually don't know why this song is so important to me, there doesn't seems to be a specific reason, I just love it. If this is played on a night out, then your guaranteed to see me on the dancefloor, and the strangest thing is the fact that I don't know why I love it so much, I think it's just one of those songs that's stuck with me. I think it was out around the time of my graduation from secondary school so it takes me back to then, me as a teenager, just finished school. (Oh God that was 10 years ago now)

5. Feels like home - Edwina Hayes 
This is a song I've fallen in love with more recently, when trying to choose music for our wedding, I heard this song on one of the sample videos for our wedding vocalist and once I heard it I was mesmerized, it's such a beautiful song, it will draw you in and you will loose yourself in it. I've listened to this song so many times over the last year and yet every time I hear the first few chords of it, my heart instantly melts. I chose to walk down the aisle to this song and although I was nervous that hearing this I would be a blubbering mess, on the day there was such adrenaline pumping, I don't even remember hearing it properly but everyone commented on the song after the ceremony, so I cannot wait to hear it in the wedding video so I can take it all in. If you haven't heard it before then it's definitely worth a listen.

Until tomorrow 

This made me laugh.... so true

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