Thursday 3 September 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 4

Top 5 Pet Peeves

1. I absolutely hate this, it annoys me sooooo much it's my number 1 pet hate, I'm actually glad to find out that it's an actual condition. I think most people close to me are now aware of this and try their best but at times it really gets to me, I try laugh it off or make a joke of it, or else il just leave the room. The worst culprits have to be chewy sweets, crisps or cereal.

2. This really gets to me, especially when they know it's yours, or worse still when (eg the hubby) uses the last of something, say cheese or jam, meanwhile you go shopping together, he 'forgets' to inform you that HE used the last of it and we need to buy some, oh no you find out the next time you go to the fridge to get that item!!! Aaaaargh

3. I hate clutter, yes of course I have that one messy drawer or press but in general I hate clutter, I'm talking, WAY too many items on the kitchen counter that there is now no space to actually prepare food or all the trinkets and accessories around the house that there is no need for. My kitchen has certain items on the counter (that all match the style and color of the kitchen) after that everything else goes in the presses. I'm definitely the type of person who lives by less is more!!! Also I like to believe/enforce that everything has a place and everything in its place.

4. This also kind of relates to number 1, but even on its own is equally as annoying. We all know that person who insists on 'slurping' their tea/coffee, I just think why, I don't see why you would even need to, if you tilt the cup toward your mouth it will automatically poor in, so there is no need to suck it from the cup. Unless of course you have no use of your hands and someone has just left a cup of tea in front of you and this is now the only option in order to drink it.

5. This really really bugs me, you know the type, there always someone who randomly puts a status on Facebook either bitching about someone or moaning, giving you enough information to either know someone has pissed them off or hurt them but not quite giving you the whole story, this will always be following by close friends commenting, 'u ok Hun xxxx' or 'PM me xxx' like seriously do these people not realize there's such this a whatsapp, snapchat, viber, text messages or the good oul reliable phone call that you can make to your friends rather than having this vague status on Facebook just to draw attention to yourself.

Ok rant over 
Pet peeves really gets you wound up once you start typing about them. 
Tomorrows post will be more upbeat, hope I don't come across as a psycho. 

Until tomorrow 

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