Sunday 6 September 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 6

What are u afraid of? 

This is probably one of the hardest questions so far, I knew it was coming and have been thinking about it the past few days. To be honest I'm not really afraid of anything in particular, not the usual things like heights or flying or anything like that. Im not fond of mice or spiders or wasps but I'm not 'afraid of them', so that got me thinking, what am I AFRAID of???
I'd class being afraid of something as a having a heightened level of worry, something that I would be fearful of or that scares me. Having thought about it, the one thing that I am afraid of most is loosing those close to me, it's the only thing that properly scares me. I have a close family and friends, and the thought of loosing any of them is what I am afraid of. I'm the type of person that when everything is going right and everything is perfect, il start to worry that something bad is going to happen. I sometimes feel like why am I allowed to be this happy, and I'm afraid that in order to balance out the happiness something really bad will happen. I am blessed with the life I have, I wouldn't change any of it, I have an amazing husband, family, friends, house etc and I am thankful for all of it, but sometimes my fear of something going wrong prevents me from enjoying the present and truly appreciating and making the most of what I have around me. 

Sorry if this post has been a bit soppy, but this is truly what I am afraid of, and it's something that I hope to maybe overcome or distract myself from in order to embrace the today and enjoy the life I have. 

Until tomorrow 

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