Tuesday, 8 September 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 8

Advice your parents gave you that stuck? 

It's probably not so much advice but rather a value but my parents always thought me to work hard and instilled the value of hard work and earning what you have. I've worked from a young age getting my first job at about 15. I worked for my uncles company in the office, I then started working in a pharmacy at 16, then later while at college I also worked in Vero Moda and tried to fit in as much work between the two jobs around college hours. I loved it, I really enjoyed working in retail apart from the unsociable hours, but I loved the buzz of working with people and dealing with the public. I enjoyed helping people out and giving them advice whether it's on medicine or fashion. I was really driven by meeting sales targets and achieved various top sales awards. During this time I also learnt the value of money and saving. 
I saved regularly since childhood and this has paid off in the long run as it has continued in my attitude towards money even now. I still save every week and yet still pay for bills, mortgage, loans, groceries, luxuries, home improvements, holidays etc. I love to buy nice things (sometimes I may take it too far as I can end up buying things I love, that I don't really need or have no space for) but this all balances out and I think it all comes down to what you really want and prioritize your spending!
I believe in being rewarded for hard work, even if it's you rewarding yourself, if you feel you've worked hard. There's a sense of pride in working hard for things and earning it as apposed to just being given something. I know most people's dream is to win the lotto, but personally I don't even bother playing it, (I do enjoy the odd scratch card even though I NEVER win anything) not that I wouldn't like to win it or that I'd refuse it (Stephen likes to play it, so now that we're married, if his numbers come in, what's his is mine) but I've always said that I'd much rather earn my money than be given it, I think you appreciate it more and have more value on it when you've earned it and deserve it. For example a lot of home improvements we have done on our house, we've done ourselves, yes we could have got someone in and done it for us but apart from the fact of paying someone else to do something that we could easily do ourselves, it gives me a much better sense of achievement to say we done it ourselves (Stephen cursed me originally but now that we've done it, he even agrees that you feel better about yourself to be able to say we done that or we built that) 
So in the end I believe having a hardworking attitude and value for money is a great trait to have even from an early age as it can set you in the right path for life. 
Also a quote my dad states quiet frequently and it's something I try to live by is:
'it's nice to be nice'
Straightforward and simple yet very true.

Until tomorrow 

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