Wednesday 2 September 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 2

Before i even start this, i think i might struggle to find 20 facts but lets see how it goes.......

1. My maiden name is Carey, Caoimhe Carey had a nice ring to it, Caoimhe Flinter will take a bit of getting used to.

2. I'm only 5ft Tall(or small), yep im a proper short-ass. Id like to think i 5'1 but i think that's just wishful thinking.

3. I'm naturally a blonde, not a nice blonde though more of a mousy brown, I highlighted it for a few years but didn't like it so I've now dark brown hair, and I've had this same color (Garnier Nutrisse shade 3.6) about 10 years now!! I also love to experiment with hairstyles, I'm known to grow my hair for years & then just randomly get fed up waiting n get it cut into a bob. I'm currently in the long(ish) hair style mode, another few inches and i'll be happy.

4.  Myself and Stephen have been together 12 and a half years (Childhood sweethearts) We got together before our junior cert, yep seems like a lifetime ago!!The only reason we know each other is through the friendship of our parents, we attended different primary and secondary schools even though we only lived a few miles from each other, so our paths may never have crossed only our parents are really good friends and the occasional visit and BBQ brought us together.

5.  We got engaged on our 10 year anniversary, in New York, at the Top of the Empire State Building. Total shock, honestly i had no idea. He picked the ring and collected it the day before we flew to America. I thought he'd been working late at work.

6.  This day last year we provisionally booked our wedding, we are only 6 months married on Saturday, yes i did book and organise our wedding in 6 months.

7.  The 24th of March is an important date for myself and Stephen. On this day in 2000 both our schools had their confirmations in the same church, this was the day we got our first photo taken together, aged 13. 3 years later on this date, we started 'going out', he asked me. 10 years later on this date Stephen popped the question on top of the Empire State Building. We really wanted to get married on this date but unfortunately it wasn't to be and instead we arranged to arrive in New York on the 24th March 2015 on the last stop of our Honeymoon and went straight to the Empire State Building to celebrate our Anniversary and special date now as 'Husband & Wife'

8.  I am a hoarder, not in a bad way(if there's such a thing) But im really sentimental so i like to 'keep' things that have meaning to them, i also cannot get rid of clothes, i am starting to donate more to charity shops so fingers crossed this continues. I keep all cards from birthdays, christmas, anniversarys etc, no idea what i'll ever do with them but i keep them anyway.

9.  I only completed the first year of college before leaving to study Interior Design and open my own shop, in 2006, aged 19. The shop closed in 2010 due to the 'Recession' I ran it on my own so a lot of time was spent, working in the shop, sourcing stock, buying stock, going to wholesalers at the weekend etc, it became a lot of work for very little return at the time!! I now work full time in the Family Engineering business.

10.  I am the eldest of 3 children, i hated it, my parents were definitely the strictest with me!! I have a younger brother and sister.

11.  I moved in with Stephen aged 21, we lived together for about a year, before moving back home to save money after we were granted planning permission to build our own house (We got word our planning permission had been granted on Christmas Eve, best Christmas present ever.)

12.  We started building our house in 2010, a lot of hard work, late nights and long weekends went into it. We had a lot of help from mine and Stephens parents. I think im every builders worst nightmare, i like to 'tweak' everything and put my own touch on it, from curved walls & stairs to glass walls & hidden doors, if i seen an idea i loved i had to try incorporate it somewhere!!

13.  We built our house on the site of my Grandads old farm yard, next to my nanas house, my Grandad had passed away a few years earlier, we knocked some of the sheds in order to build our house but kept the ones around the house and now use them as garages. I also kept one wall of the original silage pit on the farm, its the wall that my Grandad and great Grandad built and my dad and my aunties fingerprints are all printed in the plaster-work as children!! My Grandads name was Willie, and we always referred to his farm as 'Willies Yard' instead of farm, i don't know why!! So we have now named our house 'Drayseilliw' which is 'Willies Yard' back to front.

14.  I've always wanted a miniature house dog, but my mum would never allow me get one while i was living at home, so for my birthday Stephen told me he would get me one when we moved into our new house, we moved into our house in August and Kiki arrived in October (Stephen was never keen on us having a dog in the house but i really wanted one and persisted, now there's times i think he may love Kiki more than me)

15.  I am a serious bargain hunter, if i lived in America i would definitely appear on extreme couponing. Mix this with my hoarding problem and it would be a major cause for concern. I will easily go to 3 or 4 supermarkets each week to get each of their special offers. I regularly avail of restaurant Early Birds, i hate to pay full price for something that i know i can get on an early bird. Plus i prefer to eat earlier so it works out perfectly.

16.  I love to bake, my mams kitchen was quite small and she hated me messing it up so i only occasionally baked while i lived at home. I designed my new kitchen in very great detail and have it exactly to my needs, its perfect for cooking and baking on a large scale. I now cook and bake a lot, i love to experiment with new recipes and make up my own, my slogan is definitely 'Healthy Dinners & Dessert Sinners', i love to cook healthy dinners, but when it comes to baking and desserts, the naughtier and more indulgent the better. I do TRY to make healthy options.

17.  My first car was a Sky blue, Fiat Punto. I got it as a present from my Mam and Dad for my 17th Birthday, i loved it, i would spend many a Saturday washing, waxing, and polishing it. Not to mention the countless tins of back-to-black that was used on the tyres for the 'finishing touch'. I then got a Peugeot 206 for my 18th, this was by far my favorite car ever, my Dad had bought it and got it done up for me, complete with body kit (very cool back in the day!!) I then proceeded to spend a fortune on fancy lights, alloys, resprays, mirrors etc. My next car was a Mercedes C180 coupe, i loved it initially but grew to loate it, i hadn't drove it for about 2 years when i eventually sold it and got my current car, a Mini Cooper, the coolest car ever made. I absolutely LOVE it, it just reminds me of a toy car, its the cutest car ever. Stephen is also known to enjoy spinning around in it too.

18.  In case you were wondering how did i have a car and not drive for 2 years...... i live 2 minutes from where i work. I live in the country next to my Nana's house, 2 doors down is my Parents house and behind their house is their business where i work, there is even a roadway linking mine, my Nana's and my parents house and business so its quite handy really. Only downside is i can see my work from my house and you never really get a day off or 'sick day' when you live that close.

19.  I'm am the coldest creature EVER and anyone that knows me will vouch for this. I will never be too warm, I love heaters, fires, hair dryers, hand dryers, blankets, scarves, you name it, if it keeps me warm I'm happy. 

20.  WOW, cant believe i actually made it to 20, didn't think i would find that many facts about myself. So..... number 20. Random fact - i have 7 piercings and 1 tattoo. I got my belly button pierced when i was 15 and got my tattoo when i was 17. One day on lunch from college i randomly decided id get my nose pierced. I don't wear a stud in it anymore but the opening is still there, I'm on the lookout for a teeny tiny stud that i can wear as apposed to having a random hole in my nose.

So there you have it 20 facts about me, i rambled on a bit on some of them, i felt like some needed more detail than others.
Until tomorrow

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