Tuesday 1 September 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 1

🎀 1: The Meaning behind Your Blog Name? 🎀

I've been thinking about starting a blog for a long time now, but there has always been something preoccupying me (or maybe I was just putting it off as I was a little nervous about starting it and putting it out there!!)
I've always known what my blog would be about and what it would include, I love to cook and bake, I also have a huge love for DIY, Crafting & Upcycling, plus as a qualified Interior Designer I love all things interior, decor and design related and always have some sort of home project going on!!! I'm your typical girlie girl, LOVE all things pink, sparkly and enjoy experimenting with make-up and fashion, I'm a complete shopaholic, cannot walk into Penny's and leave with just 1 bag, not to mention the online shopping and endless homeware items that are snuck into the house!!! My major weakness is shoes though, I'm actually afraid to do an official count but it's easily 300+ most of which still have labels on and packed away in cute pink shoe boxes, as I said it's an obsession!!!! 
Anyway back to the meaning of the blog name!!! As I said I knew I wanted to start a blog and what it would be about the only thing I wasn't sure about was the name. Honestly I think that's probably the reason why it took me so long to start the blog, I kept coming up with names but they just didn't feel right and I kept saying to myself when you find the right name you'll just know and everything else will fall into place!!! 
I wanted something different, something that described me but didn't limit me, as the blog was going to vary in content I didn't want the name of it to restrict me so anything that symbolized fashion or makeup or sparkle didn't really fit with the content of interiors, recipes etc. I also didn't want to use my name, as unique as it is (not as much now but I hated it as a child, mainly because I could never find a key ring or pen with my name on it!!!!) but I know most people have difficulty spelling it correctly so I didn't want this to cause a problem in finding my blog. So I decided in trying to name it something inspired by my two loves, My dog, Kiki, she is like a child to me, and also my hubby Stephen, we only got married in March this year, and I LOVE being a wife!!! (Not to mention how much I loved organizing the actual wedding day itself!!) I really enjoy cooking, baking, general homemaking (not so much the cleaning!!) but in general the typical housewife duties!!! 
So after a lot of scribbled pieces of paper and ideas I finally came up with 'A Wife and her Blog', I had toyed with the idea of 'A Wife and her Dog' but I was afraid the the 'dog' might insinuate Stephen as apposed to Kiki (that would be awkward!!!) so I went with blog, as it is a Blog after all and it's a play on words with Dog so it's still included - kinda!!! 
So there you have it how this blog came to be 
'A Wife and her Blog' 

Until tomorrow 

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